Yet another list of fixes, updates and things that has been done lately:
- Fixed water issue, now player swim normal.
- Fixed potential error RejectedExecutionException.
- Fixed startAttackStance, when player miss, he remained in combat mode constantly.
- Fixed Tidal Wave and Whiplash skills for Magnus the Unicorn
- Fixed broken items icons
- Fixed Zakens door
- Fixed LV3Orc AI
- Fixed ClanHall fee task re-check, it’s supposed to be 1 day
- Fixed Shadow items
- Fixed summon skills
- Fixed Servitor lifetime multipler
- Fixed Invitation / Recommend bonus
- Frintezza min/max parties settings
- Added exp/sp rate for raids/grands
- Fixed MinionSpawn passively delete minion from master list if no respawn is associated to it
- Fixed Npc SocialAction if in a blocking status (dead, stunned, etc)
- Fixed bug, when minion Zaken don’t spawn
- Fixed problem, when healer not heal raidboss
Quests fixes:
- Q501_ProofOfClanAlliance
- Q220_TestimonyOfGlory
- Q025_HidingBehindTheTruth
- Q503_PursuitOfClanAmbition
Constant work on achievements – now collections are on the way. And a lot lot more…