RPG games are about developing of your character. And this is exactly a pure essense of what Lineage2 is about! We’d like to introduce you achievements – as a one more possible branch of developing your character and reaching stuff what others cant reach!
Meet Achievements Stone Tablet in Giran and check possible achievements!

Achievement types / categories
Daily Missions
Those kind of achievements are possible to reach each day… over and over. It means you have only 24 hours to complete it. If you complete – you can claim your reward. In case of “Each day monster slay” killed monsters counter depends on their HP multipler. It means that x1 HP creature can give you 1 point, but x8 HP – 8 points. In case of x1/2 HP you have 50% to get +1, in case of x1/4 HP – 25%.
Beware! Achievement results will be reset each day – it means the counter and rewards!
Achievements in character category are based on characters statistics – generally… Number of PvP / PK points, donated CoL, enchanted items and skills, winning sieges or becoming Hero.
Monsters achievements are related to number of monsters (different kind) killed by a player.
This achievement category is really similar to Monsters – but depends or Bosses.
Epic Raids
Since Grand Bosses are not … yet another simple, regular raids – they do deserve for separate category. Each Epic Boss has own achievement with stages player can reach. Additionally you can become Grandboss Slaughterer by killing each Epic Boss at least once.
We all know how much Lineage2 players likes to collect items. Different kind, different enchant level, different bonuses and stats. Whats most important – how they look!
We’d wanted to find a way to reward those, who force themselves to find yet another rare recipe of item which they really dont need. Complete yet another set – even they know they wont use it ever. To naswer on that call – the collections achievement was created. Detailed description below.
After completing the achievement you can claim your reward. Depending on achievement reward can be made of generally anything, but most popular options are:
- Ancient Adena
- Enchants
- Book Of Giants
- Special sacs with varied materials
- Full items (small chance to get boss jewelery)
- Mantras
- Chances to get recipes (A, S armors and weapons)
- Skills
Mantra (Water, Wind, Fire)
Collect those crystals and exchange to Soul Crystals of needed color level 11, 12, 13 – at GM Shop (a’ka Service Shop – Merkury).
Collections is a variation of official collections functionality that was introduced some time on official servers. Its not the same, but the idea is similar – to collect and be rewarded for that.
Possible collections
Possible collections are listed in achievement details. More and more will be added in time, so it is pointless to list them all here. Collection can be made of multiple items with different enchant level. For example – all S-Grade weapons +16 😉
Adding item to collection
If you have the item that can be a part of collection – wear it. Special window will appear with short information about collections and possible options. Click on a button and voila! Simple, isn’t it? You have collected this item! It is a part of your collection now.
Collected items limits
Generally there is one rule – collected item (item which is collection element) cannot be collected by other player.
Collected element is now bounded to you and cannot:
- drop it on the ground
- move to clan warehouse
- enchant
However you can sell it or trade it – your buyer will be notified that item is a part of your collection already and cannot be used as his collection element. You can safely trade items to your chars and use’em however you like.
Can I restore fully functionality of collected item?
Yes, you can! Collections are breakable in some cases – you just need to navigate to collection details and find “Break collection” button. Special window will appear with detailed informations and possible options.
Similar to other achievements.
More achievements and collections will be added in time. It is also up to you what you’d like to see there. If you have achievement idea – dont wait – let us know! Send a message at Discord or throu contact form.. whatever way you like. Share your idea!