Hardworking on goin…:
- Fixed update Clan skill after enterworld
- /graduatelist implementation – like OFF
- Rework of PLAYING_FOR_LONG_TIME concept
- Some AI fixes
- User stats max limits
- Fixed magic crit calculations
- ClassMaster tweaks (noble, reward_skills and subclass)
- Fixed unSpawnNpc
- Fix: Update item list when enchanted
- Fixed updateState for PET_EQUIP.
- Fixed the issue where characters following a character stop unexpectedly.
- Fixed Q257 – The Guard Is Busy
- Service – char name and clan name fix
- SpawnLocation fix for Atraiban
- Fix: Potion skills should not trigger RB curses
- Rework FestivalOfDarknessManager and implementation SSQ AI of mobs
- Warrior behavior at SSQ
- Reworked .menu a bit, to fit new buttons
- New feature – BUFF SELLING – now you can sell your buffs. Use the button at menu or .sellbuff
Started Christmas and Santa events!