The big Lineage2 Interlude update is finally here!
- New AI of monsters and bosses
- new behavior
- new skill usage
- bss/ss usage (with low chance)
- even non aggro mobs can attack if their clan is attacked
- obstacles honoring and avoiding
- and many more
- Boats – works as expected (boats messages are silenced)
- Spawns – reworked
- Siegablehalls – reworked
- Rift – reworked
- Primeval Island – reworked
- Path finding method – reworked
What has been fixed:
- Valley Of Saints – spawns issues
- Moving in water – often stucks
- Manor – fixed places where players couldnt sow
- Petitions system
- Clan management dialogues (with npc)
- Fishing zones
- Bossess in generall (AQ, Zaken doors, Benom etc)
- AOE skill usage error – “cannot use in peace zone” thing
- Some quests has been adjusted / tweaked / fixed
- Some skills (missed, incorrect stats etc)
- Shadow wpns issues
- Small visual issues (like walks, turns around, skills etc)
And a tons tons of different smaller things…