Updates – 2022.09.15

  • Number of clan members for each clan level has been reduced. Now it is 15 for 6th lvl, 30 for 7th, 60 for 8th.
  • Autloot - all premium accounts have autoloot enabled
  • CWH - now any member with read rights to CWH have also withdraw rights
  • Seven Sings Dungeons - are open for all
  • Sweeper Festival - skill has been added for scavenger at 28th (mass sweep)
  • Drop/Spoil tweaks - NM/MJ robe recipes added to Vampire Magician and Vampire Wizard
  • Drop list - issue with client crash on droplist view (sometimes) fixed - list was too reach in HTML and Interlude couldnt handle that beauty. Alltho there is still something left to be fixed...
  • Hopzone vote - they have recently changed their voting requirement. Now the person must be logged in (there) to make a vote. But please keep in mind to give your vote here: https://l2.hopzone.net/site/vote/105074/1. Not www. not without www - just l2 subdomain (or at least pay attention on your IP in a top bar of their page to matche the one you have). Voting on other pages will not be counted to receive reward. It is their fault, can't do much about it...
  • A lot of small tweaks and upgrades which is no sense to mention all 😉


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