Bonny, granddaughter of the great pirate Zaken is looking for help from you!
She said: “Oh, now they’ve gone and done it! All the greedy people who have stolen from my grandfather’s hideout through the years have finally pushed him over the edge. Just look at them! They’ve been cursed and turned into pigs!“

They should have known better, trying to steal from an all-powerful undead pirate captain and all, but… don’t you feel a little sorry for them? Being stuck as a pig forever doesn’t seem like a very happy fate (unless you enjoy mud baths!).
Bonny also said: “I fear what kind of retaliation this will mean for my grandfather. His temper gets the best of him, and he’s a bear to deal with sometimes, but he’s still family!“
Whats that even about?
Help Bonny to undo this mess – she’ll make it worth your while. She’ll even put in a good word for you with her grandpa and reward you with some precious gifts! What do you say?
- Around cities and some locations you may find three different types of cursed pigs: Huge Cursed Pigs, Super Huge Cursed Pigs, and the rare Golden Cursed Pigs. Beware, some pigs has some deadly skills!
- Purchase a Redemption Bow from Bonny and use the bow’s “Forgiveness” and “Pardon” skills on the cursed pigs to free them from Zaken’s Curse.
- You may buy up to three bows per 24 hours!
- When you “cure” a cursed pig, you’ll get either Apiga or Pirate’s Booty. Pirate’s Booty are tiny treasure chests which may contain a valuable Golden Apiga.
- Throughout the event, you may also find a souvenir Salvation Bow. This bow looks just like the Redemption Bow used in the event, but it has a special skill associated with it called “Happiness”. You can use Happiness on your friends as much as you like! Be warned that both of these bows are not meant for regular combat, and the Salvation Bow cannot be used to cure the cursed pigs.
Bonny Rewards
- Pigs buffs – depending on selected type
- Enchants – various types
- Life stones – various types and levels
- Recipes for armors and weapons A-grade and S-grade
- Mantras – water / fire / wind – collect mantras and exchange for Soul Crystals (at Merkury)
- Materials sacks
Collect Golden Apiga too! Top 3 players which possess highest number of Golden Apiga will receive special gifts!
Event was implemented based on Gracia Final version. Mobs AI, messages, actions are retail-like. Only difference from retail is rewards which were adjusted to our server.